Monday, March 28, 2011

yay !! :)

saje nak bagitahu yg aku da buat pages fb aku
ini link die
cm besh je profile nyh
sape2 yg na like pages tuh
like laaa yee
saya ucapkan terima kasih byk2 kepada anda

nak ckp tu jew
rajin2 laaa like pages tu oke
nanti i like u punye pages lak ehh

Friday, March 25, 2011


orang cakap..
kalau terlalu ikutkan kata hati
ley bawa mati..
habis tuh..
nak ikut kata sape??

aku xtaw nak buat ape skrg??
hati dan perasaan aku
membuatkan aku berfikir byk kali
tentang masa depan aku

ape yg aku na buat lepas ni??

Monday, March 21, 2011

saya tertinggal charger hp dekt rumah maklang D;

saya tertinggal charger hp dekt rumah maklang
dylaaaa dylaaaa
takkan mende tuh pon ko bley xengt???
hish !!
tgk sekarang 
hp aku da mati sendri dah !!
mende lain bley lak ko engt
panas betol hati aku
*tgh mara dgn dri sendri
tgk sekrg
ofcoz laaa ko kene beli charger baru
xkn na suwuh maklang lak tlg pos kan charger tuh kt ko !!
mmg salah ko dyla..
da lah poket aku ngah kering gile  ..
len kali ko kene wt list a brg yg ko bawa g mane2
bile na blik
tick mane yg ade
melayang a duit aku lagi arynyh !!
huh !!

ngah xde mood

Saturday, March 12, 2011


My personality:
§  I’m loud.
§  I’m obnoxious
§  I’m sarcastic.
§  I’m cocky.
§  I cry easily.
§  I have a bad temper.
§  For the most part I don’t like people.
§  I’m easy to get along with.
§  I have more enemies than friends.
§  I’ve smoked weed.
§  I drink coffee.
§  I clean my room daily.
My appearance:
§  I wear makeup. 
§  I wear a piece of jewelry at all times.
§  I wear contacts.
§  I wear glasses.
§  I have braces.
§  I change my hair color often.
§  I straighten my hair often.
§  I have a piercing. i wish.
§  I’m in a relationship now
§  I’m forever alone
§  I have a crush (sort of, it’s really complicated)
§  I’m always scared of being hurt.
§  I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
§  An ex has physically abused me at least once.
§  I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did
§  I’ve been in love more than two times
§  I believe in love at first sight.
§  I believe lust is more important than love.

§  I have a best friend.
§  I have at least five friends.
§  I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend.
§  I’ve beaten up a friend.
§  I’ve been in a serious fight with a friend.
§  I can trust at least five people with my life.

§  I’ve been on a plane.
§  I’ve been on a train.
§  Someone close to me has died.
§  I’ve taken a taxi.
§  I’ve taken a city bus.
§  I’ve taken a school bus.
§  I’ve gone bungee jumping.
§  I’ve made a speech.
§  I’ve been in some sort of club.
§  I’ve won an award.
§  I’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight.
§  I’ve been in a physical fight.

§  I listen to R&B.
§  I listen to country.
§  I listen to pop.
§  I listen to techno.
§  I listen to rock.
§  I’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until I hate it.
§  I hate the radio.
§  I love music.
§  I download music.
§  I buy CD’s.

§  I spend at least six hours a day watching television.
§  I watch soap operas daily.
§  I’m in love with Days Of Our Lives.
§  I’ve seen and liked the O.C.
§  I’ve seen and liked One Tree Hill.
§  I’ve seen and like Americas Next Top Model.
§  I’ve seen and like Popular.
§  I’ve seen and like 24.
§  I’ve seen and liked/loved CSI.
§  I’ve seen and like Everwood.

Family Life:
§  I get along with both of my parents.
§  My biological parents are still together.
§  I have at least one brother.
§  I have at least one sister.
§  I have at least one step brother/sister.
§  I have at least one half brother/sister.
§  I’ve been kicked out of the house.
§  I’ve sworn at my parents.
§  I’ve made my parents cry.
§  I’ve lied to my parents.
§  I’ve lied to my parents about where I am.
§  I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing.
§  I’ve lied to my parents so I’d be allowed out.
§  I’ve been grounded.
§  I’ve walked out while grounded.

§  I’ve been brown. 
§  I’ve had streaks.
§  I’ve cut my hair in the past year.
§  I’ve dyed my hair.
§  I’ve been blonde.
§  I’ve had black.
§  I’ve been red.
§  I’ve been light brown.
§  I’ve been blue/green.
§  I’ve gotten my hair thinned.
§  I use conditioner.
§  I’ve used silk therapy.
§  I’ve used hot oil treatments.
§  I’ve curled my hair.
§  I’ve straightened my hair.
§  I’ve ironed my hair.
§  I’ve braided my hair.

§  I’ve yelled at a teacher.
§  I’ve been suspended.
§  I’ve had an in-school suspension.
§  I’ve been sent to the principals office.
§  I’ve walked out of class.
§  I’ve skipped an entire day of school.
§  I’ve skipped a whole class for a month.
§  I’ve failed a test.
§  I’ve cheated on a test.
§  I’ve helped someone else cheat on a test.
§  I’ve failed Art.
§  I’ve failed P.E.
§  I’ve failed Math
§  I’ve failed another class.
§  A teacher has called my parents.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

miss u love u......

you're the one that i fell in love
with more and more
each day

and my heart
is filled with love
only just for you


Sunday, March 6, 2011

. . .

*mood ngah sakit hati
xtaw na tulis ape
tp mmg gase cm na ckp sumthing

aku memohon kepada MU,
permudahkan jodoh aku dan dia,
berikanlah rahmat MU kepada perhubungan kami ini,
tetapkan lah hati kami agar sentiasa menyayangi antara satu sama lain.
aku memohon kepada MU,
suburkan lah rasa cinta didalam hati kami tanpa perasaan jemu diantara satu sama lain,
agar anugerah cinta yang KAU beri ini akan membawa kami ke syurga Mu

aku terlalu sayangkan dia sangat2
aku xsanggup biarkan dia terlepas dari gengaman aku
walaupun kadang2 dia slalu mencabar kesabaran aku
tp aku sayang dia sangat2
aku harap jodoh aku panjang dengan dia


Saturday, March 5, 2011


aku ny mmg pelik
kadang2 cm mengong2 gak skiwt


nape mesti ade mahluk Allah nyh suke na bahan2 aku
suke je na gelak2 kan sume mende yg aku wt
die xpk kew tentg pe perasaan aku
aku ny tempt jd bahan lawak die kew

kire cm badut a bg die
sumpa aku x suke wey !!

sbb tuh aku suke ckp pasl sume bende yg aku xpuas hati
maybe aku ny jenis ckp depan2
bukan na bange diri @ ape

tp aku mmg xsuke org pandg rendah kt aku
na bodo2 kan aku
law aku wt kt korang cmtuh
comfirm korang pon mesti sakit hati gak kan

aku bukan badut bg korang
aku bukan org yg korang boleh gelak2kan
ape ko engt ko tuh bgs sgt??

tlg laaa wey
ko bajet ko tuh hebat

semua manusia xde yg perfect !
aku mmg mengaku yg aku ny xperfect
byk yg serba serbi xkena kt aku nyh
atleast aku ny jenis sedar diri
xmcm org tuh
duk ligat na bhn2 org
kaw ko tuh perfect sgt xpe ah
nyh lebih kurang same je

cm ampeh
aku law da benci org
mmg aku akan benci sampai mati

aku susah na maafkan org
xde mood na ngarut lebih2 mlm nyh

Friday, March 4, 2011

ape maksud sexy?????

ape maksud sexy???
ade sape2 ley terangkan kan aku x??
aku xbape na paham pe maksud sexy nyh
still ngah pk pe maksud sexy nyh

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

betol kew dgn ape yg aku buat ny?????????


aku xtaw na wt cmne sekarg

patut @ tidak aku na berhenti keje nyh????????

kew aku ny terlalu emosi sgt???


Incomplete lyric by b.s.b

Empty spaces fill me up with holes
Distant faces with no place left to go
Without you, within me I can find no rest
Where I'm going is anybody's guess

I tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I've prayed for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I'm going to be , incomplete

Voices tell me I should carry on
But I am swimming in an ocean all alone
Baby, my baby
It's written on your face
but You still wonder if we made a big mistake

I tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I've prayed for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I'm going to be , incomplete

I don't mean to drag it on
But I can't seem to let you go
I don't wanna make you face this world alone
I wanna let you go..........

I've try to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I've pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you what I'm going to be is, incomplete...


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

sangat teringin na mam ice cream sekarang... :'(

na mam ice cream !!
na ice cream trophy tuh
xpown na magnum
sumpah ngan kempunan nyh
de sape2 bley tolong belikan x
law x
saya na nangis nyh